Ceramic mold plaster powder​

Our main products supplies high strength mold gypsum powder, ceramic mold gypsum powder, construction gypsum powder, precision casting gypsum powder, edible gypsum powder, medical gypsum powder, powder rinse spraying gypsum powder, etc

Ceramic mold plaster powder

High strength, good toughness, water absorption


Initial setting ≥8, final setting <25, consistency 66%, flexural resistance 8MPa, compressive resistance 18MPa.

Ceramic molds or sculptural building materials used in grouting molding.

In view of the current quality status of the ceramic mold gypsum powder, combined with my many years of experience in the production and development of ceramic mold gypsum powder production technology, under the premise of reaching the comprehensive performance index of the ceramic mold powder, the factors affecting the main physical properties of the ceramic mold powder were studied.

Select different types, grade and crystal structure of the stone ore to produce under the same process parameters, analyze the product performance, at the same time by adjusting the production process parameters of the cooked stone sound powder, mixed with different fineness of the cooked stone sound powder r study, combined with the test data and product use, study the influence of water absorption rate, condensation expansion rate on the ceramic mold stone powder. Screening product schemes with high flexure strength and compressive strength to improve the mold formation rate and service life of Shixu mold.

By selecting the gypsum raw material with high grade and dense primary state, selecting the best milling process parameters and moderately improving the grinding fineness of the product, the physical properties of the licyan powder can be effectively controlled and optimized to obtain excellent high strength ceramic mold gypsum powder.


The ceramic mold gypsum powder is one of the most important varieties in our country. With the rapid development of national economy, the market of daily porcelain and sanitary ware ceramics is gradually expanding, and the demand for ceramic mold gypsum powder is more and the quality is higher. Because of the different production process, use and mode of mold making, the performance of ceramic mold is different, and the performance requirements of ceramic mold gypsum powder are different.


At present, domestic ceramic mold gypsum powder is limited by equipment, process technology and control technology, most of them are single varieties of low-grade products. Although the technical indicators used in the physical performance description of ceramic mold powder at home are not the same, the gap between domestic ceramic mold gypsum powder and foreign counterparts is mainly manifested in low strength. The key indexes setting time and flexural strength cannot be controlled effectively and are unstable. Combined with our many years of experience in the production and development of ceramic mold gypsum powder, aiming at the current quality status of ceramic mold gypsum powder, on the premise of achieving its comprehensive performance index, a large number of comparative tests were carried out on the factors affecting the main physical properties of ceramic mold powder (setting time, bending strength and compressive strength, etc.), in order to obtain excellent high strength ceramic mold gypsum powder.